rednesto: Show mods.toml value type on key completion
- /*
- * Minecraft Development for IntelliJ
- *
- * https://mcdev.io/
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2024 minecraft-dev
- *
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
- * by the Free Software Foundation, version 3.0 only.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- */
- package com.demonwav.mcdev.toml.platform.forge.completion
- import com.demonwav.mcdev.platform.forge.util.ForgeConstants
- import com.demonwav.mcdev.toml.TomlKeyInsertionHandler
- import com.demonwav.mcdev.toml.TomlSchemaEntry
- import com.demonwav.mcdev.toml.TomlStringValueInsertionHandler
- import com.demonwav.mcdev.toml.inModsTomlKey
- import com.demonwav.mcdev.toml.inModsTomlValueWithKey
- import com.demonwav.mcdev.toml.platform.forge.ModsTomlSchema
- import com.demonwav.mcdev.util.isAncestorOf
- import com.intellij.codeInsight.completion.CompletionContributor
- import com.intellij.codeInsight.completion.CompletionParameters
- import com.intellij.codeInsight.completion.CompletionProvider
- import com.intellij.codeInsight.completion.CompletionResultSet
- import com.intellij.codeInsight.completion.CompletionType
- import com.intellij.codeInsight.lookup.LookupElementBuilder
- import com.intellij.psi.PsiElement
- import com.intellij.psi.util.PsiTreeUtil
- import com.intellij.psi.util.parentOfType
- import com.intellij.util.ProcessingContext
- import org.toml.lang.psi.TomlArrayTable
- import org.toml.lang.psi.TomlHeaderOwner
- import org.toml.lang.psi.TomlKey
- import org.toml.lang.psi.TomlKeySegment
- import org.toml.lang.psi.TomlKeyValue
- import org.toml.lang.psi.TomlKeyValueOwner
- import org.toml.lang.psi.TomlLiteral
- import org.toml.lang.psi.TomlTable
- import org.toml.lang.psi.TomlTableHeader
- class ModsTomlCompletionContributor : CompletionContributor() {
- init {
- extend(CompletionType.BASIC, inModsTomlKey(), ModsTomlKeyCompletionProvider)
- extendKnownValues("modLoader", "javafml")
- extendKnownValues("version", ForgeConstants.KNOWN_SUBSTITUTIONS)
- extendKnownValues("displayTest", ForgeConstants.DISPLAY_TESTS)
- extendKnownValues("ordering", ForgeConstants.DEPENDENCY_ORDER)
- extendKnownValues("side", ForgeConstants.DEPENDENCY_SIDES)
- extendBooleanValues("showAsResourcePack")
- extendBooleanValues("logoBlur")
- extendBooleanValues("mandatory")
- extendBooleanValues("clientSideOnly")
- }
- private fun extendKnownValues(key: String, values: Set<String>) =
- extend(
- CompletionType.BASIC,
- inModsTomlValueWithKey(key),
- ModsTomlKnownStringValuesCompletionProvider(values),
- )
- @Suppress("SameParameterValue")
- private fun extendKnownValues(key: String, vararg values: String) =
- extendKnownValues(key, values.toSet())
- private fun extendBooleanValues(key: String) =
- extend(CompletionType.BASIC, inModsTomlValueWithKey(key), ModsTomlBooleanCompletionProvider)
- }
- object ModsTomlKeyCompletionProvider : CompletionProvider<CompletionParameters>() {
- override fun addCompletions(
- parameters: CompletionParameters,
- context: ProcessingContext,
- result: CompletionResultSet,
- ) {
- val schema = ModsTomlSchema.get(parameters.position.project)
- val keySegment = parameters.position.parent as? TomlKeySegment ?: return
- val key = keySegment.parent as? TomlKey ?: return
- val keyValue = key.parent as? TomlKeyValue ?: return
- val table = key.parentOfType<TomlKeyValueOwner>()
- val variants: Collection<TomlSchemaEntry> = when (val parent = key.parent) {
- is TomlTableHeader -> {
- if (key != parent.key?.segments?.firstOrNull()) {
- return
- }
- val isArray = when (table) {
- is TomlArrayTable -> true
- is TomlTable -> false
- else -> return
- }
- val existingKeys = table.entries.mapTo(HashSet()) { it.key.text }
- schema.topLevelEntries(isArray).filter { it.key !in existingKeys }
- }
- is TomlKeyValue -> when (table) {
- null -> {
- val existingKeys =
- key.containingFile.children.filterIsInstance<TomlKeyValue>().mapTo(HashSet()) { it.key.text }
- schema.topLevelEntries.filter { it.key !in existingKeys }
- }
- is TomlHeaderOwner -> {
- val tableName = table.header.key?.segments?.firstOrNull()?.text ?: return
- val existingKeys = table.entries.mapTo(HashSet()) { it.key.text }
- schema.entriesForTable(tableName).filter { it.key !in existingKeys }
- }
- else -> return
- }
- else -> return
- }
- result.addAllElements(
- variants.map { entry ->
- LookupElementBuilder.create(entry, entry.key).withInsertHandler(TomlKeyInsertionHandler(keyValue))
- }
- )
- }
- }
- class ModsTomlKnownStringValuesCompletionProvider(private val knownValues: Set<String>) :
- CompletionProvider<CompletionParameters>() {
- override fun addCompletions(
- parameters: CompletionParameters,
- context: ProcessingContext,
- result: CompletionResultSet,
- ) {
- val keyValue = getClosestKeyValueAncestor(parameters.position) ?: return
- result.addAllElements(
- knownValues.map {
- LookupElementBuilder.create(it).withInsertHandler(TomlStringValueInsertionHandler(keyValue))
- },
- )
- }
- }
- object ModsTomlBooleanCompletionProvider : CompletionProvider<CompletionParameters>() {
- override fun addCompletions(
- parameters: CompletionParameters,
- context: ProcessingContext,
- result: CompletionResultSet,
- ) {
- // Make sure we do not complete after an existing value
- getClosestKeyValueAncestor(parameters.position) ?: return
- result.addAllElements(listOf(LookupElementBuilder.create("true"), LookupElementBuilder.create("false")))
- }
- }
- private fun getClosestKeyValueAncestor(position: PsiElement): TomlKeyValue? {
- val parent = position.parent ?: return null
- val keyValue = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(parent, TomlKeyValue::class.java, false)
- ?: error("PsiElementPattern must not allow values outside of TomlKeyValues")
- // If a value is already present we should ensure that the value is a literal
- // and the caret is inside the value to forbid completion in cases like
- // `key = "" <caret>`
- val value = keyValue.value
- return keyValue.takeIf { value == null || !(value !is TomlLiteral || !value.isAncestorOf(position)) }
- }
- /*
- * Minecraft Development for IntelliJ
- *
- * https://mcdev.io/
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2024 minecraft-dev
- *
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
- * by the Free Software Foundation, version 3.0 only.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- */
- package com.demonwav.mcdev.toml.platform.forge.completion
- import com.demonwav.mcdev.platform.forge.util.ForgeConstants
- import com.demonwav.mcdev.toml.TomlKeyInsertionHandler
- import com.demonwav.mcdev.toml.TomlSchemaEntry
- import com.demonwav.mcdev.toml.TomlStringValueInsertionHandler
- import com.demonwav.mcdev.toml.inModsTomlKey
- import com.demonwav.mcdev.toml.inModsTomlValueWithKey
- import com.demonwav.mcdev.toml.platform.forge.ModsTomlSchema
- import com.demonwav.mcdev.util.isAncestorOf
- import com.intellij.codeInsight.completion.CompletionContributor
- import com.intellij.codeInsight.completion.CompletionParameters
- import com.intellij.codeInsight.completion.CompletionProvider
- import com.intellij.codeInsight.completion.CompletionResultSet
- import com.intellij.codeInsight.completion.CompletionType
- import com.intellij.codeInsight.lookup.LookupElementBuilder
- import com.intellij.psi.PsiElement
- import com.intellij.psi.util.PsiTreeUtil
- import com.intellij.psi.util.parentOfType
- import com.intellij.util.ProcessingContext
- import org.toml.lang.psi.TomlArrayTable
- import org.toml.lang.psi.TomlHeaderOwner
- import org.toml.lang.psi.TomlKey
- import org.toml.lang.psi.TomlKeySegment
- import org.toml.lang.psi.TomlKeyValue
- import org.toml.lang.psi.TomlKeyValueOwner
- import org.toml.lang.psi.TomlLiteral
- import org.toml.lang.psi.TomlTable
- import org.toml.lang.psi.TomlTableHeader
- class ModsTomlCompletionContributor : CompletionContributor() {
- init {
- extend(CompletionType.BASIC, inModsTomlKey(), ModsTomlKeyCompletionProvider)
- extendKnownValues("modLoader", "javafml")
- extendKnownValues("version", ForgeConstants.KNOWN_SUBSTITUTIONS)
- extendKnownValues("displayTest", ForgeConstants.DISPLAY_TESTS)
- extendKnownValues("ordering", ForgeConstants.DEPENDENCY_ORDER)
- extendKnownValues("side", ForgeConstants.DEPENDENCY_SIDES)
- extendBooleanValues("showAsResourcePack")
- extendBooleanValues("logoBlur")
- extendBooleanValues("mandatory")
- extendBooleanValues("clientSideOnly")
- }
- private fun extendKnownValues(key: String, values: Set<String>) =
- extend(
- CompletionType.BASIC,
- inModsTomlValueWithKey(key),
- ModsTomlKnownStringValuesCompletionProvider(values),
- )
- @Suppress("SameParameterValue")
- private fun extendKnownValues(key: String, vararg values: String) =
- extendKnownValues(key, values.toSet())
- private fun extendBooleanValues(key: String) =
- extend(CompletionType.BASIC, inModsTomlValueWithKey(key), ModsTomlBooleanCompletionProvider)
- }
- object ModsTomlKeyCompletionProvider : CompletionProvider<CompletionParameters>() {
- override fun addCompletions(
- parameters: CompletionParameters,
- context: ProcessingContext,
- result: CompletionResultSet,
- ) {
- val schema = ModsTomlSchema.get(parameters.position.project)
- val keySegment = parameters.position.parent as? TomlKeySegment ?: return
- val key = keySegment.parent as? TomlKey ?: return
- val keyValue = key.parent as? TomlKeyValue ?: return
- val table = key.parentOfType<TomlKeyValueOwner>()
- val variants: Collection<TomlSchemaEntry> = when (val parent = key.parent) {
- is TomlTableHeader -> {
- if (key != parent.key?.segments?.firstOrNull()) {
- return
- }
- val isArray = when (table) {
- is TomlArrayTable -> true
- is TomlTable -> false
- else -> return
- }
- val existingKeys = table.entries.mapTo(HashSet()) { it.key.text }
- schema.topLevelEntries(isArray).filter { it.key !in existingKeys }
- }
- is TomlKeyValue -> when (table) {
- null -> {
- val existingKeys =
- key.containingFile.children.filterIsInstance<TomlKeyValue>().mapTo(HashSet()) { it.key.text }
- schema.topLevelEntries.filter { it.key !in existingKeys }
- }
- is TomlHeaderOwner -> {
- val tableName = table.header.key?.segments?.firstOrNull()?.text ?: return
- val existingKeys = table.entries.mapTo(HashSet()) { it.key.text }
- schema.entriesForTable(tableName).filter { it.key !in existingKeys }
- }
- else -> return
- }
- else -> return
- }
- result.addAllElements(
- variants.map { entry ->
- var lookup = LookupElementBuilder.create(entry, entry.key)
- .withInsertHandler(TomlKeyInsertionHandler(keyValue))
- if (entry.type != null) {
- lookup = lookup.withTypeText(entry.type.presentableName)
- }
- lookup
- }
- )
- }
- }
- class ModsTomlKnownStringValuesCompletionProvider(private val knownValues: Set<String>) :
- CompletionProvider<CompletionParameters>() {
- override fun addCompletions(
- parameters: CompletionParameters,
- context: ProcessingContext,
- result: CompletionResultSet,
- ) {
- val keyValue = getClosestKeyValueAncestor(parameters.position) ?: return
- result.addAllElements(
- knownValues.map {
- LookupElementBuilder.create(it).withInsertHandler(TomlStringValueInsertionHandler(keyValue))
- },
- )
- }
- }
- object ModsTomlBooleanCompletionProvider : CompletionProvider<CompletionParameters>() {
- override fun addCompletions(
- parameters: CompletionParameters,
- context: ProcessingContext,
- result: CompletionResultSet,
- ) {
- // Make sure we do not complete after an existing value
- getClosestKeyValueAncestor(parameters.position) ?: return
- result.addAllElements(listOf(LookupElementBuilder.create("true"), LookupElementBuilder.create("false")))
- }
- }
- private fun getClosestKeyValueAncestor(position: PsiElement): TomlKeyValue? {
- val parent = position.parent ?: return null
- val keyValue = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(parent, TomlKeyValue::class.java, false)
- ?: error("PsiElementPattern must not allow values outside of TomlKeyValues")
- // If a value is already present we should ensure that the value is a literal
- // and the caret is inside the value to forbid completion in cases like
- // `key = "" <caret>`
- val value = keyValue.value
- return keyValue.takeIf { value == null || !(value !is TomlLiteral || !value.isAncestorOf(position)) }
- }