- plugins {
- id 'multiloader-common'
- id 'net.neoforged.moddev'
- }
- neoForge {
- neoFormVersion = neo_form_version
- // Automatically enable AccessTransformers if the file exists
- def at = file('src/main/resources/META-INF/accesstransformer.cfg')
- if (at.exists()) {
- accessTransformers.add(at.absolutePath)
- }
- parchment {
- minecraftVersion = parchment_minecraft
- mappingsVersion = parchment_version
- }
- }
- dependencies {
- compileOnly group: 'org.spongepowered', name: 'mixin', version: '0.8.5'
- // fabric and neoforge both bundle mixinextras, so it is safe to use it in common
- compileOnly group: 'io.github.llamalad7', name: 'mixinextras-common', version: '0.3.5'
- annotationProcessor group: 'io.github.llamalad7', name: 'mixinextras-common', version: '0.3.5'
- }
- configurations {
- commonJava {
- canBeResolved = false
- canBeConsumed = true
- }
- commonResources {
- canBeResolved = false
- canBeConsumed = true
- }
- }
- artifacts {
- commonJava sourceSets.main.java.sourceDirectories.singleFile
- commonResources sourceSets.main.resources.sourceDirectories.singleFile
- }